Article by Get Pregnant
You may be wondering what your chances of getting pregnant are. If you are a healthy young woman your chances should be pretty good if you do not have any underlying medical conditions. If you are over 30your odds begin to decrease and if you are having a baby after 30 years of age you may need some special help to achieve this goal.
If it is taking you more time to get pregnant than you had planned on you may want to increase your chances of getting pregnant by monitoring the calendar very closely. You want to get an idea of when you are ovulating to determine when you are most fertile. You will want to keep track of each day you start your period and each day you stop your period. Ovulation typically occurs about 14 days after the last day of your period. This will give you a general idea of the time frame when you are most likely to conceive.
You may also want to start monitoring your basal temperature and this is a very easy thing you can do each day. If you want to increase your chances of getting pregnant you will want to take your temperature each morning preferably before you even get out of bed for the best chance of accuracy. Your temperature will rise very slightly for a few days after you ovulate. This can help you determine at home when you are ovulating and the most likely to get pregnant. It may seem discouraging that the data you needs comes after ovulation but if you monitor this for a couple of months you will see a pattern and you can start making predictions.
There are also great kits out there that are used to check for ovulation. This is a major breakthrough and an ovulation predictor kit may help you determine ovulation in a hassle free way. You use urine just like you would a pregnancy test to determine when you are ovulating. These kits have shown to be accurate and are very easy to use. This may become expensive over time and this may be one of the drawbacks. You need to make sure that you follow the directions very carefully to avoid inaccurate results.
You can increase your chances of getting pregnant if you determine when you are ovulating each month. When you determine when ovulation occurs you will feel more in control and this can help you to accomplish your goal of pregnancy.