Friday, December 16, 2011

When to use a pregnancy test kit

When to use a pregnancy test kit

Article by Vanni Jain

Couples planning a baby always need to undergo different types of tests. Especially women have to undergo blood tests, urine tests. Ultra sound tests etc. these tests are usually taken to check whether a women in pregnant or not. Pregnancy test kits are the best way of knowing that you are pregnant or not. They are most helpful for women who are trying to get pregnant,as the test can be easily conducted in comfort of home. With the advancement in technology today one need not rush to the doctor for carrying out these above listed tests as now with the help of home pregnancy test kit one can check pregnancy at home itself. This article will basically give you details about when to use a pregnancy test kit.When can a woman start using a pregnancy test kit?

The best time to take a this test is when you feel the symptoms which is normally seen before pregnancyYou could take the test after a missed periodThe other symptoms of pregnancy might be nausea, tiredness, frequent headachesWomen also feel constant vomiting sensation and are sensitive to smell.You can take advice and suggestions from your respective doctor as when to use a pregnancy kit.

How does a pregnancy test kit help?

It basically gives you a result whether you are pregnant or notIt basically checks the hcg value in the urine and accordingly detects your pregnancyYou can perform it at home itself which is a very convenient place rather than rushing to the doctorThese kits consist of pregnancy test strip which helps in detecting pregnancy.See to it that before you perform a urine pregnancy test you do not intake liquids in a greater quantity as that might dilute the hcg hormoneThe best time to test pregnancy is during your first morning urine.Make sure you do not take the result too early as if you take it early these kits cannot help you in detecting pregnancy and your result might come negative.

Most women are eager and ask themselves as when to use a pregnancy test kit? This question comes up as soon as they feel the symptoms of pregnancy. But, one must not hurry because tests conducted in hurry might fail to give you the exact result. Hence if you want to get a positive result be patient and try to understand how the test works and how it should be used. This in return will give you good and effective results.

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