Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tips to get pregnant fast

Tips to get pregnant fast

Article by Anissa Williams

If you have to decide that start the family, and able to move your life in the next plan. You take some few common steps after taking this decision to increase your chances of getting pregnant. During this don't be panic and impatient that if it takes time, because there are some points that you want to do and something's to avoid increasing you chances and getting pregnant fast. The first goal towards your pregnancy is make your body healthy, before you implement any method on get pregnant fast is to get as healthy as you can be. After that increase your odds by following these tips on getting pregnant fast, easy and naturally.

• The first thing to do is stop taking the birth control pills if you are taking, before that you being trying to get pregnant. The pills basically irregular the period cycle that is the harm effect and understanding the menstrual cycle. So stop taking birth control pill that makes the disturbance in the hormones. To get pregnant fast than stop taking pills or contraception method.

• Taking the minerals and the vitamin is also the great step towards the contraception, the using of green leaves vegetables, fruits and the moreover the use of the folic acid that play the important role in the nutrition of the body growth and resistance against the weakness. The vitamins existence is helpful for developing the baby. The cut down habits of drinking, alcoholic, and smoking before you start any pregnancy methods. These actions can harm your baby even before it has implemented. Similarly also focus on getting to the healthy weight now, no overweight that can be make more difficult to conceive.

• To get pregnant fast always consider the proper position, it is observed and believed that the position using during the intimacy can increase the likelihood of positive pregnancy test. Well the position like the missionary evaluate the best option because the sperms closest to the cervix, that it can not hurt your chances to get pregnant fast. After the intercourse it is good that if you lying on your back, similarly it increase the chances as well as resting on your back after sex allows sperms to pool there. That gives them an edge in swimming towards your egg.

• One more thing is that take the less stress than ever, because during conceive the stress cause the low sperm counts that are not enough to get pregnant , so enjoy and familiar to you partner during the intercourse through physically and the mentally, that enhances the chances to get pregnant fast. Because some effect and movements parts are familiar and act with this. Stress basically keeps ovulation from occurring, and it can also throw off your cycles. So cut off the stress that is better to contraception.

Mostly the few of couples are getting pregnant at the first try on conceiving, through these tips you get the maximum information and chances to get pregnant fast to increase your odds but try to relax, where as most of the couples are successful in the first six month, similarly the odds of success are pretty high. For more guide and suggest visit the helping guide "pregnancy Miracle" by Lisa Olsen to read more about this natural infertility cure guide, through this many women's are get pregnant fast and naturally. It has the guide if solving infertility troubles and enables the natural conceive.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Birth Injury Lawyer New York Weighs True on Long Term Effects

Birth Injury Lawyer New York Weighs True on Long Term Effects

Article by Paul Justice

Long-term effects from certain drugs might not come to full term until years after the drug was taken. Paxil, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline, is one of those drugs that severely affect people who take the drug after a certain amount of time. Paxil has been found to cause devastating effects in women who took the drug while they were pregnant. Birth injury lawyers have been representing women who incurred birth complications from taking Paxil while pregnant. Paxil was introduced into the market in 1992 and for fourteen years the drug remained on the market without any stipulations. However it was found out in 2006, that Paxil had a high rate of causing birth complications when taken by pregnant women. The fact of the matter is that or fourteen years, Paxil was on the market readily available for pregnant women to take; yet no one knew of the consequences. Birth injury lawyers in New York want to make sure that anyone who took Paxil while pregnant knows what the true effects were from taking the drug. Women are still finding out that the birthing complications they incurred years ago was due to the drug Paxil. In order to make sure that women know the true effects of Paxil, birth injury lawyers in New York are urging women to seek a second opinion.

The long-term effects of Paxil are severe causing birth complications involving the heart, lungs, spinal cord, and brain. These birth complications can become worse if they are not fully indentified with the known cause. In order to ensure that these birthing complications are taken care of, the cause needs to be known. In many cases women who incurred these problems had no idea that Paxil was the cause of the problems. In many cases like this one, not knowing the cause of the problem could sufficiently hurt the chances of the victim making a full recovery. The long term effects of Paxil are severe, which in many instances the longer the victim took the drug, the worse the side effects were. Birth injury lawyers in New York have seen many cases of women finding out years after the fact that their Paxil prescriptions was the thing that caused their birthing complications. In order to take advantage of the information that Paxil causes severe birth complications, the awareness of the information must be spread to the masses.

If the drug Paxil has affected you or a loved one, contact a birth injury lawyer in New York. A Birth injury lawyer New York will be able to stand up for you in a court of law and start your path to justice. In determining if taking Paxil caused your birthing complications, your lawyer will be able to contact the most significant experts to determine how Paxil directly affected you. Don

Monday, December 19, 2011

Birth control pill does not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases

Birth control pill does not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases

Article by Robet Morkal

To prevent pregnancy, birth control pills and oral contraceptives medicines are designed. It isa prescription medicine used to prevent pregnancy. Birth control pill or oral contraceptives does not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV). Woman becomes pregnant normally when an egg released from her ovary is fertilized by sperm release from the man's body. Birth control pills work by regulating your hormones to prevent the overy to release egg and if there is no egg available to fertilized you can not become pregnant.

Birth control pills contains combinations of estrogen and progestin hormones. It includes ethynodiol diacetate with ethinyl estradiol and mestranol, levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol, norethindrone acetate with ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone, mestranol with norethindrone and norethynodrel, norgestrel and ethinyl estradiol. Norethindrone and Norgestrel are those birth control pills that contain only progestin in them.

To control unwanted pregnancy you should consult your doctor to take best birth control pills. In the medical stores there are various birth control pills are available. Diane 35 is consisdered to be the most trusted and recommended by the doctor to used as a birth control medication. It isa prescription medicine. Ethinylestradiol and Cyproterone Acetate are main ingredient of Diane 35 medicine. Diane 35 comes in the form of tablets and is available by both generic and brand name. Before taking Diane 35 you should get full information about the medicine from the doctor.

Diane 35 does not provide protection against the sexually transmitted diseases. It is meant only for the use in women. Make sure that if you are pregnant or breastfeeding mother you should not use Diane 35 medicine as it may harm the health of unborn baby and nursed child. It is also used to treat certain acne in women. One should not use this medication if he or she is allergic to Diane 35 or to its ingredient. Women suffering from heart, lungs, and liver disease should not use this medicine.

Do not take this medicine with any other medicine to avoid interaction. If you are taking any prescription non prescription medicine or herbal medicine for nay medical condition you should inform your doctor before taking Diane 35. The recommended dosage for this medicine is one tablet in a day. Medicine should be taken with a full glass of water and should be taken as prescribed by the doctor. Do not increase or decrease the dose of the medicine on your own. Store Diane 35 in dry place away from light, geat and sun. Keep it away from the reach of the children.

Zoloft Birth Defects May Be a Ground for Lawsuit

Zoloft Birth Defects May Be a Ground for Lawsuit

Article by Robert Levine

People who take medications are usually informed by their health care providers to be on the lookout for adverse effects and/or side effects. The medical terminologies have been repeatedly interchanged but actually, the two have different meanings. Side effects are unwanted effects of the medication but they are expected to happen, whereas adverse effects are undesirable effects of the medication that are not foreseen to happen but can still possibly take place. Zoloft, an antidepressant, has been connected with birth defect developments in babies born to women who took the medication when pregnant. Birth defects are under adverse effects for Zoloft. Warnings were issued by the FDA on Zoloft and its association with birth defects but a woman cannot just stop the medication immediately as it is there to manage her depression. Zoloft (sertraline hydrochloride) is under the SSRI drug classification of antidepressants. This is usually prescribed to individuals with depression. It belongs to the Pregnancy Category C as indicated by the FDA which states that there is risk for the fetus but the therapeutic effects may justify the use of the medication in pregnant women. Some of the birth defects believed to be caused by Zoloft are:

• Heart DefectsThe most common heart defects associated with Zoloft are the septal defects, ventricular and atrial. • CleftsSome babies whose mothers took Zoloft during pregnancy had craniofacial anomalies such as cleft lip and cleft palate.• Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension (PPHN)This defect is marked by severe respiratory difficulty by the neonate which would require intensive hospitalization. • Delayed developmentNot only is Zoloft linked with physical birth defects but with the development of the child as well. Babies born to women who took the medication when pregnant had developmental delays especially in walking and sitting upright.• Neural Tube DefectsNeural tube defects such as spina bifida and spinal cord injuries are also believed to be an effect of taking the antidepressant when pregnant. Neural tube defects (NTDs) are birth defects of the brain and spinal wire. throughout the third and fourth week of pregnancy the embryonic neural tube develops and begins to shut, forming what is going to become the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). When the neural tube of an embryo fails to shut fully, an NTD happens.

Exercise could be effective antidepressant but it might not suffice for some.These are some of the serious birth defects that can be considered as adverse effects of Zoloft and the sufferers have reportedly filed lawsuits with these Zoloft birth defects as basis.

Diet During Pregnancy - Pregnancy and Nutrition

Diet During Pregnancy - Pregnancy and Nutrition

Article by Robert Liang

Pregnancy is a very special period for a women, and even for a family, so everyone in the family would attach great importance to a pregnant women. Therefore, if you are pregnant, diet during pregnancy is the one thing that you should not ignore because you are not eating for one, but two. If you are only worrying about the little weight you are putting on, then you should give it a second thought before you decide to go on diet. You should learn to take responsibility for two of you. The first thing that you should be responsible for is to keep yourself away from malnutrition. The following killer tips will help to keep you on track and enjoy balanced nutrition during pregnancy.

Listen to Your Body

Some women tend to each too much during pregnancy while some take the opposite route. Both are not the way that things should be done. The only correct way is to listen to your body. If you feel hungry, then you should eat immediately. In this case, some quick and easy recipes will step in for assistance because they are easy to prepare and don't take much time.

Don't just Eat Everything Though

Although you should listen to your body, don't eat everything without doing any discretion. Stay away from those well-known junk foods which can do nothing but to make people fat. Involve whole grains, fruits and vegetables as the main parts of you diet during pregnancy.

They will not only provide your body and your baby with required vitamins, calories and proteins, but also help with various aspects of our health. Dark green leafy vegetables are good sources of iron which will prevent a pregnant woman from suffering from iron deficiency.

Whole grains, fruits and vegetables are also rich in edible fibers which are ideal for the health of the digestive system. With enough supply of them, the pregnant women's chances of suffering from constipation will be substantially reduced. You might have already heard that constipation is one of the major issues that happen during pregnancy.

Consult with the Doctor before Taking any Supplements

Supplements are believed to be able to supply us vitamins and nutrients like calcium directly in the form of tablets. It is not recommended to turn to them. With well designed and well prepared recipes and diet, you can get sufficient nutrients without any additional supplements. However, ask your doctor to make sure before taking any of them because some of the supplements that are available might have side effects.

How To Increase Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant

How To Increase Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant

Article by Get Pregnant

You may be wondering what your chances of getting pregnant are. If you are a healthy young woman your chances should be pretty good if you do not have any underlying medical conditions. If you are over 30your odds begin to decrease and if you are having a baby after 30 years of age you may need some special help to achieve this goal.

If it is taking you more time to get pregnant than you had planned on you may want to increase your chances of getting pregnant by monitoring the calendar very closely. You want to get an idea of when you are ovulating to determine when you are most fertile. You will want to keep track of each day you start your period and each day you stop your period. Ovulation typically occurs about 14 days after the last day of your period. This will give you a general idea of the time frame when you are most likely to conceive.

You may also want to start monitoring your basal temperature and this is a very easy thing you can do each day. If you want to increase your chances of getting pregnant you will want to take your temperature each morning preferably before you even get out of bed for the best chance of accuracy. Your temperature will rise very slightly for a few days after you ovulate. This can help you determine at home when you are ovulating and the most likely to get pregnant. It may seem discouraging that the data you needs comes after ovulation but if you monitor this for a couple of months you will see a pattern and you can start making predictions.

There are also great kits out there that are used to check for ovulation. This is a major breakthrough and an ovulation predictor kit may help you determine ovulation in a hassle free way. You use urine just like you would a pregnancy test to determine when you are ovulating. These kits have shown to be accurate and are very easy to use. This may become expensive over time and this may be one of the drawbacks. You need to make sure that you follow the directions very carefully to avoid inaccurate results.

You can increase your chances of getting pregnant if you determine when you are ovulating each month. When you determine when ovulation occurs you will feel more in control and this can help you to accomplish your goal of pregnancy.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

How to Create a Birth Plan for Your Pregnancy

How to Create a Birth Plan for Your Pregnancy

Article by Daniela ONeil

Preparing your birth plan is an important task to complete before you go into labor. Once the contractions start, it can be hard to express your wishes. Your birth plan will ensure they are respected.

The most important part of any pregnancy is the big day, the day your child is born. When you are pregnant birth is the thing you spend the most time thinking about and planning for. As a part of the preparations for the birth of your baby, you should consider making a birth plan.

A birth plan is a list of your specific wishes for how the labor and delivery of your child should proceed. It can be as simple as you wish, or as detailed and complicated as is needed to make you feel sure all of your requests are understood.

A good birth plan will include at least these basics: who will be in the room, what type of medication if any you would like to have, what sort of activity you would like to engage in during the labor, and what sort of ambience you want for the room. You can also add all kinds of details relating to the process of birth itself.

Bear in mind as you go through the pregnancy stages and the day of birth approaches that all may not go exactly as planned. If you hoped for a natural birth but complications result in a c-section, be sure your birth plan allows for this. Write down your preferences in the event of a deviation from the plan.

From the first signs of being pregnant through to the day you deliver, you will be thinking about that day. Take this time to read as much as possible and learn about your options. This way, you will write your birth plan with as much knowledge as possible.

Advice On Getting Pregnant You Can Really Use

Advice On Getting Pregnant You Can Really Use

Article by Get Pregnant

Advice on getting pregnant is everywhere and you may have heard a lot of things that are completely false. Digging through all of the information and actually finding something that works can be a much bigger task than one might think. It is possible to find advice on getting pregnant if you know where to look for it.

Finding a great internet site that offers advice for people looking to get pregnant can be a great resource that you will begin to use often. If you can find a site that offers advice on getting pregnant from people that have experienced the same problems this can be the gold mine. You may be able to ask specific questions and see the end results of what others have been through. You will have access to very personal stories and this may give you some insight on things you can do to help your own personal situation.

You may want to consult your doctor and get advice on getting pregnant from this resource. It is a common myth that fertility problems only happen in women and data shows that men and women are almost split equally when it comes to fertility and this is something that many people do not know. Both the man and the woman in the relationship should be screened for fertility issues and once this is confirmed or ruled out you can move onto the things that will help you to achieve pregnancy.

If you are over 30 your odds start to decrease when it comes to fertility and you may need some medical help to achieve pregnancy. There are many simple things you can do to increase your odds of pregnancy and you may need a simple prescription to become pregnant. You want to make sure that you act quickly because as more time goes on the less your chances are of becoming pregnant without medical intervention.

Advice on getting pregnant can be found in books and online and you may want to read all of the things that are available to you to help you understand what you can do to help you with your situation. There may be many things you can do to that you have not heard of and this may solve all of your problems. You may be able to reach the goal of pregnancy faster than you though if you take the time to educate yourself about your options and what you can do to encourage pregnancy.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Meditation During Pregnancy - Pregnancy Yoga Classes

Meditation During Pregnancy - Pregnancy Yoga Classes

Article by Lewis Carr

Are your pregnant and about to give birth? We all know that almost all emotions that a human being can possibly feel will also be felt by the pregnant woman. This is one phase in a woman's life wherein everything is felt. That is why all sorts of preparation should be done in order to prepare the mother and child in this most eventful part of a woman's life.Meditation during pregnancy is one of the things that a person can do in order to make things easier for them. We all know how difficult pregnancy is and it is not an easy thing to carry. That is why meditation is a big help when it comes to carrying pregnancy all throughout. We are all aware that pregnancy brings in much anxiety and stress that is why meditation can help much. As a mother we need to stabilize and put our emotions aside although this is not possible since a pregnant woman is more emotional due to a hormonal imbalance which we cannot blame at her at all. A mother is passing through a special phase in her life and she has to deal with it. Meditation can put a mother to a balance state of mind which will help her be prepared to the birth of her child. This is something that a pregnant woman needs. A sense of balance and harmony than can best prepare her for the delivery of her baby. It also helps in calming the senses thereby resulting to smooth delivery. If you are pregnant and you want everything to run as smooth as it can be then try meditation in pregnancy now. Know and feel the difference that it makes. Try meditating and have the focus that you need in pregnancy. Good luck!Access Pregnancy Yoga Classes Now!

Learning To Reduce Stress During Pregnancy - Pregnancy and Stress

Learning To Reduce Stress During Pregnancy - Pregnancy and Stress

Article by Franchis Adam

Many mothers during pregnancy face extremely stressful circumstances. Pregnancy is a nine month journey for both you and your baby. Pregnancy typically lasts 40 weeks (about 9 months). Stress-related changes in a pregnant woman's heart rate and blood pressure, along with chronic anxiety, can affect the heart rate of her developing fetus, a new study concludes. Maternal stress during pregnancy is also found to cause of asymmetry in coordination of ears, fingers, feet, elbows, etc. Maternal stress is also linked with imperfections in the developing nervous system which can lead to problems of perception, thinking, and memory. These mothers experience constant stress, shame, loneliness and, sometimes, clinical depression during pregnancy or after giving birth. Their partners or families may not encourage them to seek help because the problem it is not seen as a medical one. There are many negative side effects of stress during pregnancy. Very high levels of stress may contribute to an increased risk of premature delivery or low birth weight babies. Still other studies suggest that overly high stress levels can increase your heart rate, blood pressure and produce chronic anxiety.

Maternal stress during pregnancy is also found to cause of asymmetry in coordination of ears, fingers, feet, elbows, etc. Stress doesn't have to be bad especially when you take care to manage the stress you experience during your pregnancy. Eat a healthy, well balanced diet. Eating well will provide you the energy you need to get through the day, especially when you feel tired or overworked. Exercise has huge stress reducing qualities. Walking is another activity you can do in order to keep fit and reduce stress. Shortness of breath is pretty common among pregnant women, so if you feel like you've pushed yourself too far, take a rest then move at a slower pace. Water is highly important for more reasons than keeping your body hydrated. A common reason for headaches is a lack of water in the system. Try not to drink beverages in excessive amounts right before bed. Try some natural stress reduction techniques including biofeedback, yoga or meditation. Reduce your workload. If you find you are doing too much in a day find ways to delegate certain tasks to others.

Reduce Stress During Pregnancy Tips

1. Eat a healthy, well balanced diet.

2. Drinking lots of water.

3. Regular exercise makes you feel great and is a wonderful way to limit anxiety in your life.

4. Relaxing by meditating, listening to music or writing in a journal.

5. Resisting any urges to drink alcohol, smoke or take herbal products or drugs.

6. Staying away from stressful people and stressful situations, when possible.

7. Try some natural stress reduction techniques including biofeedback, yoga or meditation.

8. Reduce your workload.

Tips on how to Improve Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

Tips on how to Improve Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

Article by Tips on how to Improve Your Chances of Getting Pregnant Rob Boykin

For countless women, becoming pregnant is fairly simple. For others, it may be far additional complex. Several women feel helpless if they do not conceive rapidly, and they begin to think there may possibly be a serious fertility dilemma. There are many things women can do to increase their fertility levels and for that reason, improve their chances of having a baby.

Maintain a Positive Attitude

Study has shown that physical health is not the only concern, where conception is concerned. Having a positive mental attitude can make an enormous difference. Negative thoughts will normally hinder your chances of conceiving. As stress level rise, fertility levels can fall. Try not to worry too a lot about getting pregnant quickly. Take time out of your busy schedule to unwind. Everyone has different techniques of relaxing, so think about what you may do to obtain this.

For some, it might be as basic as taking a warm, candlelit bath. Other people may well need a lot more support. Aromatherapy massages and reflexology are wonderfully calming and can make an enormous distinction to your state of mind. Aromatherapy might also be used to regulate menstrual cycles. Certified aroma therapists may be discovered on the internet or inside your local organization directory.

Just spending some top quality time together with your partner can assist. Attempt to do activities together inside your spare time and be sure that you both appreciate them. This alone can heighten the emotional aspects of your relationship and remove some of the stress that so effortlessly builds up whenever you are trying for a baby.


Acupuncture has been known to have a really positive affect on fertility, when utilized in conjunction with IVF. Study in to its effects on fertility alone, are incomplete. Though, smaller studies have shown that it could be beneficial.

Acupuncture has been employed by Chinese medics for around 5,000 years and is renowned for having incredible effects on a variety of ailments. On the other hand, its benefits have only been recognised by American medics for the past few decades.

If you're interested in trying out acupuncture, usually uncover a reputable, certified acupuncturist. The National Institutes of Health as well as the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture are reliable sources for discovering licensed acupuncturists.


Your chances of becoming pregnant greatly depend on your menstrual cycle and its regularity. Ovulation usually occurs between the twelfth and eighteenth day of your cycle. Throughout this time, you might be at your most fertile and your chances of falling pregnant are maximized.

It is thought that ovulation is most likely to occur on day fourteen (this is based on a normal, twenty-eight day cycle.) A way of predicting your most likely day of ovulation would be to subtract fourteen from the total length of your own menstrual cycle. For example, if your cycle is twenty-eight days, subtract fourteen to arrive at your optimum date of fertility, (in this is case, it would be day fourteen.) Nevertheless, women

Friday, December 16, 2011

Benefits and Instructions of Pregnancy Test Kit

Benefits and Instructions of Pregnancy Test Kit

Article by Vanni Jain

Checking pregnancy these days has indeed become an easy task after the advent of Pregnancy test kit. This kit is basically used for the purpose of detecting pregnancy at home. These pregnancy test kits are available almost in every store and are very useful and handy especially during emergency. Women who do not have time to visit their doctor to take tests can easily take it with the help of these kits. The kit basically includes many materials which help in checking pregnancy. The kit consists of a stick in which a drop of urine is dropped and if the colour changes to red it means the result is positive and it's negative if there is no change seen.

Benefits of having a pregnancy test kit1. The kit helps in giving results during unwanted pregnancy2. It helps women maintain her health.3. Pregnancy test kit ensures women of having a tension free sex life4. Working women who do not have time to travel can use these kits to check pregnancy5. These kits helps in giving faster results

Instructions to follow before using pregnancy kits1. The most important thing to be noted while buying a this kit is that see to it that it is FDA rated and approved because only then it is safe for usage purposes2. Pregnancy kits can be purchased from the chemist without a prescription and can be used safely at either at home or in any other good atmosphere.3. Pregnancy test kit can be used at home but before using it, ensure that you take proper advice and guidance from your doctor before using it.4. The kit consists of a pregnancy test strip which detects the hcg hormone in the urine and tells the result5. Read all the important instructions and process of test to avoid grave mistakes.6. Do not hurry and panic before taking the test to get quick results.

Using pregnancy test kit is any day better than going to a health care provider. If you do not get a kit in any store you could very well book it online as there are many sites advertising for this test kit. The process of using this kit is quite simple and can be used any where any time. Today it has indeed become one of the best options to check pregnancy. The most reliable pregnancy tests are the blood tests performed at your doctor's facility or a medical centre. For some reasons like adolescent pregnancy or financial problems, some women prefer homemade tests.

Prega News Pregnancy Test

Prega News Pregnancy Test

Article by Arlene Baird

One of the prerogatives of a woman when she feels the signs and symptoms of pregnancy is to get a pregnancy test immediately. Today, we are surrounded with various types of pregnancy tests and it is indeed difficult to pick the one which is reliable and accurate. One of these examinations if you are really conceiving is the Prega news pregnancy test. What is Prega news pregnancy test? How is it different from the other types of pregnancy test? How are you going to use the Prega news pregnancy test? Get all the answers to these questions about the Prega news pregnancy test by reading this article. This piece of writing will provide you some relevant information and useful facts that you need to know about this kind of examination to confirm pregnancy.

What to know about Prega news pregnancy test?Just like the other type of test for pregnant women, this Prega news pregnancy test also requires you to drop your first morning urn on the stick. Why do you think you need to put some drops of your first morning urine? It is said that your first morning urine is more concentrated therefore the presence of CGH or chorionic gonadotropin hormone can easily be detected by the test. If the stick can detect the presence of chorionic gonadotropin hormone in your urine, then definitely the test will give you a positive result and if there is no presence of chorionic gonadotropin detected then definitely you will get a negative pregnancy test result.

Using this type of pregnancy test will no longer require you to visit your doctor and get a confirmation if you are indeed conceiving or you only get false symptoms of conception. Many women of today are already more than convinced to use this type of conception test to know if they are going to be a mother soon. It does not need to consume much of your time because you can easily get the results after 5 minutes or so. Now you see the difference in your time when you go out of your home and visit a doctor and do the Prega news pregnancy test at the comforts of your home. All you have to do is to put some drops of your urine on the small window of your stick and wait for the result. After that, you will then see some vertical line on the window. If you get two lines then that means you are conceiving and if you only get one line then that simply mean that you are not going to be a mother after nine months. If you get a negative result, perhaps it might not be the right time for you to take the test. It is recommended that you do the test after two weeks of you delayed period. If you will take the examination too early, then you will never get the accurate result of Prega news pregnancy test. Therefore, then next time you do the test, make sure that you do it at the right time.

What you should not forget before the test?Before you use this type of test, it is recommended that you will check the expiration date of the stick. Make it sure that it is not expired since you can never get the accurate result if your conception test stick is already expired. The chemical may no longer capable of detecting the presence of chorionic gonadotropin hormones in your urine. Therefore, you will never know if you are indeed pregnant or not. Follow the instruction carefully. It is usually written at the back of the box.

Take An Online Pregnancy Test For Free

Take An Online Pregnancy Test For Free

Article by Samora Gunter

To take an online pregnancy test, you'll need to answer some questions. These questions are related to signs that indicate pregnancy. To take an online pregnancy test, answer the questions below. Please note - it will take about a week for the fertilized egg to implant in the uterus after conception. Once implantation happens, you can begin to experience one or more of the signs that indicate you are pregnant. Are you experiencing any of these signs:

1. Light Spotting? Spotting can happen when implantation occurs before your next period begins. Light bleeding from implantation tends to be pinkish or brownish.

2. Urinating More Often? Frequent urination is one of the early signs of pregnancy. Many women experience more frequent urination about 7-12 days after the temperature rise at ovulation.

3. Elevated Body Temperature? A slight increase in body temperature at ovulation is normal. Your basal body temperature staying elevated after ovulation is completed and remaining elevated for the next two weeks can be one of the early signs of pregnancy.

4. Missing a Menstrual Period? A missed period is one of the obvious pregnancy signs when you take an online pregnancy test. However, you can miss periods for other reasons such as illness, stress and reactions to foods or medications.

5. Tiredness? A lack of energy as a pregnancy sign may be hard to distinguish from other kinds of exhaustion. Feeling tired is related to the change in hormones in the body, which usually disappears as the body adjusts to new hormone levels during pregnancy.

6. Feelings of Nausea? Feeling nauseated can happen any time, day or night, although 'morning sickness' is the name given to feeling nauseated when pregnant. Only about half of pregnant women will experience nausea.

7. Tender Nipples and Breasts? When you take an online pregnancy test, answering yes to this question can indicate pregnancy. These feelings of tenderness go away as the body becomes accustomed to new hormone levels.

8. Darker Areolas? If the area around the nipples becomes darker, this can be a pregnancy indicator. It can happen as early as one week after conception. The bumps on the areolas may also look more prominent.

If you are answering 'Yes' to one or more of the questions above as you take an online pregnancy test, you should confirm pregnancy by using one of the better home pregnancy tests. There are major differences in the reliability of the home tests for pregnancy. A blood pregnancy test can be accurate as early as 8 to 10 days after conception, and a urine pregnancy test can be accurate as early as 10 to 14 days following conception. If you feel you are pregnant but your pregnancy test result is negative, do the test again in a week or so and see your physician.

Becoming pregnant and enjoying a successful pregnancy is a complex but wonderful experience. Learn as much as you can about fertility, pregnancy and your health so your new baby will have the very best beginning to life that is possible.

Copyright 2005 InfoSearch Publishing

Do You Have Any Doubts About Accuracy Of Pregnancy Tests?

Do You Have Any Doubts About Accuracy Of Pregnancy Tests?

Article by Arindam Chatterjee

Read this and all doubts about pregnancy and pregnancy tests will be cleared.

The fertilized egg plants itself on the wall of the uterus and placenta forms. This then starts secreting a unique hormone called the HCG or Human Chronic Gonadotropin.This hormone is secreted 4-6 days after the first missed period. The number of days taken may vary. Each pregnancy test detects this hormone.

First of all let me tell you about these tests. There are two types of pregnancy tests

1) Urine Pregnancy Test.2) Pregnancy Blood Test

What is Home/Urine Pregnancy Test?The home/urine pregnancy test kits are available in any retail store or a medical outlet. You can say this is the easiest way to find out whether you are pregnant. This home pregnancy test also guarantees you privacy just in case you do not want to let anyone know about your pregnancy. This test is also clean and hygienic.

What are Pregnancy Test Kits?The pregnancy test kit has strips on which there is a chemical which detects the hormone HCG. Some kits have two lines some have a positive or negative sign on them.However, before buying a home pregnancy test kit make sure that it is within its validity date. Ditto, with the ones which have been lying in your home for a long time. Checking validity date of pregnancy test kit is important. A pregnancy test kit past its validity date will not give you the correct results. Buying bulk urine pregnancy test kits works out to be lot cheaper than the retail kits.

How does a Urine Pregnancy Test Work?

Each manufacturer gives different instructions about how to use the kit. Following instructions is the important part of this test. Any deviation from instructions can yield incorrect results. Some might ask you to pee directly on the test strip whereas others will ask you to first take some urine in a clean cup or bowl and use a dropper to put a few drops or urine on the strip.

If you are pregnant, both lines on the strip will change color, after urine has been put on it. Incase of strips with positive or negative signs, if the positive sign shows, that means you are pregnant and if the negative sign shows that means you are not pregnant.

Which Urine sample is the best for test?

Urine at any time cannot be used as a sample for the urine pregnancy test. It is very important to know which urine should be taken as sample. First morning urine should be used ideally as the sample urine for the test. HCG takes time to accumulate in urine. Therefore, this test required concentrated urine sample. If the test requires to be done in day time, see to it that you do not urinate for 4-5 hours before using this urine as sample.

Introduction of Pregnancy Symptoms And Pregnancy Test

Introduction of Pregnancy Symptoms And Pregnancy Test

Article by Vanni Jain

Pregnancy is the wish of each woman who wants to feel the real womanhood and experience the motherhood. Common symptoms range from the nausea to the leg cramps. However, there are several others symptoms that trigger the pregnancy and confirm that woman is pregnant. One more important thing is that woman feels different symptoms in different stages or weeks of the pregnancy such as in first trimester, woman feel nosebleeds, constipation and others. Here, we discuss the common pregnancy symptoms and pregnancy test for identifying the pregnancy. Some women believe that they just know. But for a lot of others whose intuitions don

Types of Pregnancy Test to Ensure Pregnancy

Types of Pregnancy Test to Ensure Pregnancy

Article by Vanni Jain

Pregnancy test is a physiological test to determine whether a woman is pregnant or not. The earliest sign of pregnancy is a missed period. These are basically of two types namely urine test which is performed at home and is also known as home pregnancy test and the other one is blood test which is performed in laboratory. All these tests measure the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), the pregnancy hormone, in the body. The hormone HCG may be detected in urine about 2 weeks after conception (when the egg is fertilized by sperm). Also reports these in Hindi can be given to the patients if they have difficulty in understanding English.

Facts related to home pregnancy tests:1. Home pregnancy tests refer to the test of the urine of the women.2. These tests are usually based on testing the amount of the HCG in urine of the pregnant woman.3. The duration of producing HCG hormone is 2o days after last menstruation.4. This is a qualitative test that is the results are either positive or negative.5. Although home pregnancy tests are not 100% reliable, if performed correctly, they are over 95% accurate.6. Home pregnancy kit is available in the market. Pregnant women just need to drop the few drops of the urine and check the pregnancy with the help this kit.

Facts related to laboratory pregnancy tests:1. These are basically blood tests.2. The laboratory test usually measures the available exact amount of the HCG in the blood of the pregnant women.3. These are extra sensitive tests as compared to home pregnancy tests.4. These tests are truly quantitative as it give the idea of amount of HCG hormone5. Blood tests can detect pregnancy earlier than urine tests, usually about six to eight days after ovulation because they can measure much smaller amounts of the hormone.6. These are so much sensitive that they can even detect the possible problems with pregnancy.

Laboratory pregnancy tests are sure shot way to determine whether a woman is pregnant or not, but they can be help only with the help of a physician. Hence it is always recommended to go through a home pregnancy test before consulting a doctor as these are easy to conduct and provide immediate results. Also physician can have the reports of these tests in Hindi to help their patients understand their present state completely.

Does a Late Period Negative Pregnancy Test Result mean you are not pregnant?

Does a Late Period Negative Pregnancy Test Result mean you are not pregnant?

Article by Sanwa Yoes

What does a Late Period Negative Pregnancy Test mean?

It all depends upon what the woman is hoping for. Somebody who is waiting to obtain pregnant will probably be happy however anxious when her period is late whereas a woman who does not desire to be pregnant will not be happy but most certainly anxious questioning what her late period pregnancy test will prove. A pregnancy test commonly checks a woman's urine or blood for the presence of a hormone referred to as HCG which is produced by the placenta. As all girls know, it's the placenta that supplies the baby in the womb with oxygen and nutrients.

A late period still isn't trigger for jubilation or be concerned as the case might be due to the fact there is often many other factors for a period becoming late. But there are instance where you're pregnant and take a pregnancy test after missing a period but obtain that it is a late period negative pregnancy test. You could even expertise other symptoms widespread to a pregnancy but the test says you are not. How can this happen?

There may be some numerous factors and 1 of them is that you utilized a property pregnancy kit of a less sensitivity which cannot detect a pregnancy in its early stages. This means the level of HCG in your urine has not reached a particular threshold for the test to be positive. On rare occasions it could possibly be on account of an ectopic pregnancy or a related challenge and in case you have all the symptoms of getting pregnant it's advisable to consult your physician to find why you are getting a late period negative pregnancy test.

If you are not certain it's normally much better for your doctor to test you mainly because a test taken by a physician is rarely inaccurate. The doctor may possibly perform a blood or urine test and if it's the former, the blood might be drawn from a vein within your arm and the sample sent for testing to a laboratory. Blood pregnancy tests take about two days and are regarded as alot more accurate mainly because it can detect even low amounts of HCG than urine tests. Results of an urine pregnancy test are a lot quicker exactly where the urine is collected in a container and tested for a late period negative pregnancy test.

A different reason for your late period negative pregnancy test might be that you're working with a property pregnancy kit and not paid enough attention towards the directions. You can find two varieties of tests exactly where you hold the test strip below your flow of urine for various seconds as instructed or collect your urine in a cup and insert the strip for a period of seconds which is usually 5. Your missed period could also be as a result of tension in which case there's no surprise in getting a late period negative pregnancy result.

For many women becoming pregnant is really an amazing feeling in spite with the discomforts they've to bear. As a result if your gut feeling says you're pregnant even if a late period negative pregnancy test says you're not, see your doctor and ask him to put your mind at rest by carrying out one more test to confirm it as soon as and for all.

When to use a pregnancy test kit

When to use a pregnancy test kit

Article by Vanni Jain

Couples planning a baby always need to undergo different types of tests. Especially women have to undergo blood tests, urine tests. Ultra sound tests etc. these tests are usually taken to check whether a women in pregnant or not. Pregnancy test kits are the best way of knowing that you are pregnant or not. They are most helpful for women who are trying to get pregnant,as the test can be easily conducted in comfort of home. With the advancement in technology today one need not rush to the doctor for carrying out these above listed tests as now with the help of home pregnancy test kit one can check pregnancy at home itself. This article will basically give you details about when to use a pregnancy test kit.When can a woman start using a pregnancy test kit?

The best time to take a this test is when you feel the symptoms which is normally seen before pregnancyYou could take the test after a missed periodThe other symptoms of pregnancy might be nausea, tiredness, frequent headachesWomen also feel constant vomiting sensation and are sensitive to smell.You can take advice and suggestions from your respective doctor as when to use a pregnancy kit.

How does a pregnancy test kit help?

It basically gives you a result whether you are pregnant or notIt basically checks the hcg value in the urine and accordingly detects your pregnancyYou can perform it at home itself which is a very convenient place rather than rushing to the doctorThese kits consist of pregnancy test strip which helps in detecting pregnancy.See to it that before you perform a urine pregnancy test you do not intake liquids in a greater quantity as that might dilute the hcg hormoneThe best time to test pregnancy is during your first morning urine.Make sure you do not take the result too early as if you take it early these kits cannot help you in detecting pregnancy and your result might come negative.

Most women are eager and ask themselves as when to use a pregnancy test kit? This question comes up as soon as they feel the symptoms of pregnancy. But, one must not hurry because tests conducted in hurry might fail to give you the exact result. Hence if you want to get a positive result be patient and try to understand how the test works and how it should be used. This in return will give you good and effective results.

Is the Superdrug Pregnancy Test Effective?

Is the Superdrug Pregnancy Test Effective?

Article by Arlene Baird

Today, we are surrounded with a lot of pregnancy assessment that we can use if we want to confirm if we are expecting or not. It is very important to have a pregnancy experiment that is accurate and reliable and superdrug pregnancy check can give you that. Why do you think a lot of women prefer to use the superdrug pregnancy check? Most probably, there could be more reasons than being accurate and reliable, this is the reason why many women opt to have s superdrug pregnancy test. Let's find out more about this type of pregnancy test in this article. This article will give you all the information you need about the superdrug pregnancy analysis.

What you should know about superdrug pregnancy test? Most of the women would complain about the results of their pregnancy test. It is important that you will get to see the lines that appear on the small window so it will be easy for you to identify if you have a positive pregnancy assessment result or a negative pregnancy assessment result. The superdrug pregnancy check can give you the guarantee that the lines that will appear on the window are clear and vivid to see. There are many good reasons or advantages in using a superdrug pregnancy experiment. First off all, this type of pregnancy assessment kit is very cheap and absolutely affordable. There is no need for you to spend so much money for this type of pregnancy analysis

The superdrug type of pregnancy check is very easy to use. It has the same steps with the other kinds of test to know if you are pregnant or not. If it is your first time to use this type of test to know if your expecting or not, then you must not worry because the instructions of the superdrug type of pregnancy examination are easy to understand and follow. For those women who are always on the go, they can still use this type of test to know if you are pregnant or not by juts looking at the read pictures. There is no need for you to read the long instructions since the quick read pictures that you can see at the back of the box can explain and teach you well on how to use the superdrug pregnancy test.

This type of test is used to know if a woman is pregnant or not comes with a capped wand and two little windows where you can see the lines that will appear after you do the test. If you get one line, then that means you get the positive result, and if you get two lines, then you that simply means that you get the negative result. Unlike any other types of test to confirm that you are pregnant, the superdrug pregnancy test gives you clear results so you will not be confused if you what appears on the window is one blue line or two blue lines.

How do you do the test using the superdrug?The procedures that you will do when doing the test are just the same with how you the other type of test to know that you are pregnant. You need to use the first morning urine and put a few drops on the window. It is important that you will use the first morning urine to detect the presence of HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin hormones. If the test can detect the presence of HCG, then you will get a positive pregnancy analysis result. If there HCG is not detected, it will be difficult for you to get an accurate result.

Pregnancy Test: The First Confirmatory Test

Pregnancy Test: The First Confirmatory Test

Article by apurva

A pregnancy test is essential to confirm one's pregnancy because all the subsequent steps depend on the findings of this test. The pregnancy test helps one to measure the level of a specific hormone known as human chorionic gonadotropin(HCG), present in one's urine. This hormone is produced when a fertilized egg gets rooted in the uterus and this usually occurs after six days of the fertilization. The level of HCG in the human bloodstream increases after the fertilization of the egg. A pregnancy test enables a woman to know about the increase in the level of the HCG in her bloodstream, generally a week after the expected time of the start of her monthly periods.

Pregnancy Test KitA number of pregnancy test kits are easily available in the market and are very easy to use. These kits involve collection of a urine sample to measure the level of HCG in a person's body. It is better to collect the sample early in the morning when the hormone is undiluted. A pregnancy test kit contains a strip that needs to be dipped into the urine sample. These test kits use different methods to show the results of the sample. While some show positive (+) or negative (-) sign to indicate the result, there are others that show pink or purple lines to confirm the pregnancy.

Sometimes the test may give a negative result, despite one being pregnant. In that case one should check for the timing or regularity of the periods or the menstrual cycle. It is also advisable to take another pregnancy test or visit the doctor for proper advice.

Chemical Pregnancy

In some of the cases, the results of a pregnancy test may not be accurate. It means that while the test may show positive results implying the presence of the HCG in urine, the development of the egg may not be proper. This is basically due to a concept called "chemical pregnancy" in which a fertilized egg starts producing HCG but fails to develop further.

In early stages of pregnancy, several signs of pregnancy such as a tender breast, exhaustion, morning sickness, frequent urination can easily be noticed. However, one cannot rely only on the symptoms of pregnancy or a pregnancy test alone. It is always better to carry out subsequent pregnancy tests to confirm one's pregnancy even after the test is positive or negative.

Pregnancy is a wonderful experience in a woman's life. So one should remain confident during its tenure and go for all the necessary tests. In cases when an early pregnancy test shows negative results and you are experiencing some of the symptoms of the pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor and resolve all the doubts. One should not hesitate to seek an answer to all the queries and fears in mind. A pregnancy test, however, remains the foremost and the first step to confirm the pregnancy.

When to take pregnancy test

When to take pregnancy test

Article by Vanni Jain

With the advance of medical science you can perform pregnancy test at home. For those who are unaware of when to take pregnancy test must read this article to know the exact timings for pregnancy test. This will help them in learning the process for this test at home. Pregnancy test strips work by detecting pregnancy hormone from the urine sample. This hormone named hCG or human chorionic gonadotropin is a glycoprotein hormone that is produced by the developing embryo during pregnancy.

When to take this test:

Generally it is seen that test is performed after a lady faces one or two symptoms like nausea or periods drop. 1. Pregnancy test is normal after first day you miss the periods.2. The best is to do it after 9 the day of ovulation and the report comes right3. To get the best report is that one should go for test after 12 days of ovulation and the report will obviously be positive. 4. Even pregnancy is shown negative after periods of this and can give you good return after 15 to 20 days.

You can even ask your doctor when to take pregnancy test if you are confused.

Let us look at some of the measures for this test:

Urine test:

Urine test can be performed in two or three ways. For those who are able to perform urine test at home can do it with the help of that test strip. This is very simple and you can buy this without any prescription over the counter.

If you cannot do that then taking a laboratory test for your pregnancy is the best alternative.

If still you are confused then consider doing a blood test for pregnancy. This way you can be sure of the baby. This test performed after a doubt but in some cases periods can even occur after 45 days of your pregnancy. So taking blood test is much safer. For those whose pregnancy confirmation is done with the help of blood test are also can be due to periods after pregnancy as said before or any complication related to pregnancy.

This way you are now aware of when to take pregnancy test as also several ways for pregnancy test. Apply them and know about your pregnancy and enjoy pregnancy. Obviously home test is best as this can be cheap, done without doctor and gives fast result within seconds. So going for home test is best for those who do not have any complication with their pregnancy.

False Pregnancy Test - Tests To Determine Untrue Pregnancy

False Pregnancy Test - Tests To Determine Untrue Pregnancy

Article by antonio banderas

How Do Checks Procedure Results?

Though the probable approach to stay away from false pregnancy is by way of exams, on the other hand, instances are not uncommon when pregnancy exams fail to indicate correct test results. The great information is the fact that incidents of phony test outcomes is usually avoidable. Absolutely yes, with a little understanding concerning the performing of pregnancy test we may be a wise purchaser of the right pregnancy exams kits and avoid false pregnancy test outcomes.

The pregnancy kits obtainable at your nearest pharmacy shop measure a specific kind of hormone that physicians phrase as "Human chorionic gonadotropin". The pregnancy exams show distinctive results in response towards the diverse ranges of this HCG. Because of different levels of this hormone, test outcomes seem to differ in early levels of pregnancy. Then you might query what the most beneficial time is or phase of pregnancy to stay away from untrue pregnancy test results.

What exactly is The best Time to Just take A Pregnancy Test?

The HCG hormone secretion follows the fertilization in the eggs and placement from the embryo to the uterus. Medical related specialists decide on this span of pregnancy when fertilization requires location as the most beneficial time to just take the pregnancy test. The interval immediately after one week of missed time period is discovered as the stage when the embryo will get attached to the uterus and is regarded as the best possible stage of pregnancy to consider the pregnancy test. On the other hand, constructing up on the HCG focus can vary from one individual to a different.

Charge Of Accuracy Of Pregnancy Checks

Presently, urine primarily based pregnancy assessments are typically suggested and utilized. But, occurrences of a misleading check outcome may be avoidable when all of the directions on these tests are obeyed. If the checks are taken just immediately after the missed periods, you might experience 'negative' false pregnancy test outcomes. Frequently, in the event the strips are not effectively soaked in urine, the tests could return to you personally a damaging result.

However, probabilities for good fake pregnancy test results also remain. Have you ever been waiting longer than required to show you a constructive pregnancy check outcome because the evaporation of urine in the strip will show you the color of constructive check results? You should be cautious concerning the alternatives of good false pregnancy check outcomes as some rare kind of cancers resemble good pregnancy check results. In this kind of cases, girls following two weeks of missed interval need to check out a doctor, to endure a blood test that is extra likely to be accurate than the urine pregnancy check.

That is via the detection from the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) inside the woman's blood or urine. Even though 97% of property tests are correct, there can still be false-positive results.

You may receive false-positive outcomes due to some factors:

one. One is taking prescription medicine that includes hCG. Pregnyl, A.P.L., Profasi, Chorex, Novarel or Ovidrel as an example are medicines with hCG. Taking medicines with promethazine which can be used as an antihistamine, combining with cough and chilly items to remedy vomiting and illness may also result to false-positive end result.2. When you have presence of blood or protein within your urine.three. Expired or destroyed pregnancy test kits.4. One is taking diuretics.

There is also a phrase called chemical pregnancy. This indicates that fertilization of the egg did happen, just enough to generate little amounts of hCG, even though it stopped developing. You'll find usually about 30% to 50% of all fertilized eggs that wind up to become chemical pregnancies, and because of abnormalities or other factors, stops additional advancement with the egg. When this occurs, females will get delayed periods, a couple of days or later and heavier compared to regular. So just before panicking, it's greatest to find out a doctor to save all the time and power invested on false-positive results.

Fake constructive pregnancy check fundamentally means HCG was detected inside the urine. HCG is existing inside the placenta when the embryo is attached to the uterus. Phony pregnancy is rear by do happen. If you have carried out the home pregnancy check and result shows good, we blindly accept it, after all pregnancy assessments are intended to become 99% correct. Even so there are many reasons sighted about why a house pregnancy test could possibly be misguiding.

The chances of inaccuracy rises up when the recommendations talked about within the kit just isn't followed and also once the result isn't study within the stipulated time. Maintain a monitor of the time, given that you are going to not understand how time flies when one is anxious and impatient. Double checking the outcome could also give you false constructive pregnancy test. This probably will be the principal trigger of inaccurate exams. So adhere towards the directions talked about around the kit.

If urine is contaminated with protein or medication like phenothiczune it could interfere with the outcomes major to wrong results. The pregnancy assessments are accurate in some cases while however it really is also possible that the checks may not be accurate. There are numerous reasons guiding this truth which we'll talk about here.

When the strip modifications coloration, the result is stated to become good, but when manipulated it could also give inaccurate outcomes. Evaporation lines start out appearing right after 3-5 minutes. Reading after the stipulated time could lead to inaccuracy.

In case your pregnancy test outcome is good consult your doctor right away, in some cases particular forms of cancer like chorocarcinama, ovarian, breast cancer can cause increase within the amount of HCG, thus major to fake good pregnancy test.

Employing pregnancy package which has crossed the expiry date could provide you with false indications. Normally check the perfect before date before you proceed.

Pregnancy test - Sport shoes - High heel boot

Pregnancy test - Sport shoes - High heel boot

Article by hi joiney

(1687, 'History Jan Steen s The Doctor s Visit Included in this 17th century painting is a depiction of a dubious pregnancy test a ribbon dipped in the patient s urine and then burned Records of attempts at pregnancy testing have been found as far back as the ancient Greek and ancient Egyptian cultures The ancient Egyptians watered bags of wheat and barley with the urine of a possibly pregnant woman Germination indicated pregnancy The type of grain that sprouted was taken as an indicator of the fetus s sex Hippocrates suggested that a woman who had missed her period should drink a solution of honey in water at bedtime resulting abdominal distention and cramps would indicate the presence of a pregnancy Avicenna and many physicians after him in the Middle Ages performed uroscopy a nonscientific method to evaluate urine Selmar Aschheim and Bernhard Zondek introduced testing based on the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin hCG in 1928 Early studies of hCG had concluded that it was produced by the pituitary gland In the 1930s Georgeanna Jones discovered that hCG was produced not by the pituitary gland but by the placenta This discovery was important in relying on hCG as an early marker of pregnancy In the Aschheim and Zondek test an infantile female mouse was injected subcutaneously with urine of the person to be tested and the mouse later was killed and dissected Presence of ovulation indicated that the urine contained hCG and meant that the person was pregnant A similar test was developed using immature rabbits Here too killing the animal to check her ovaries was necessary An improvement arrived with the frog test introduced by Lancelot Hogben which still was used in the 1950s and allowed the frog to remain alive and be used repeatedly a female frog was injected with serum or urine of the patient if the frog produced eggs within the next 24 hours the test was positive This was called the Bufo test named after the toad genus Bufo which was originally used for the test Other species of toads and frogs have been used later on Direct measurement of antigens such as hCG was made possible with the invention of the radioimmunoassay in 1959 Radioimmunoassays require sophisticated apparatus and special radiation precautions and are expensive In the 1970s the discovery of monoclonal antibodies led to the development of the relatively simple and cheap immunoassays such as agglutination inhibition based assays and sandwich ELISA used in modern home pregnancy tests Modern tests The test for pregnancy which can give the quickest result after fertilisation is a rosette inhibition assay for early pregnancy factor EPF EPF can be detected in blood within 48 hours of fertilization However testing for EPF is expensive and time consuming Most chemical tests for pregnancy look for the presence of the beta subunit of hCG or human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood or urine hCG can be detected in urine or blood after implantation which occurs six to twelve days after fertilization Quantitative blood serum beta tests can detect hCG levels as low as 1 160 mIU mL while urine tests have published detection thresholds of 20 160 mIU mL to 100 160 mIU mL depending on the brand Qualitative blood tests generally have a threshold of 25 160 mIU mL and so are less sensitive than some available home pregnancy tests Most home pregnancy tests are based on lateral flow technology With obstetric ultrasonography the gestational sac sometimes can be visualized as early as four and a half weeks of gestation and the yolk sac at about five weeks gestation The embryo can be observed and measured by about five and a half weeks The heartbeat may be seen as early as six weeks and is usually visible by seven weeks gestation Accuracy Negative pregnancy test human subject A systematic review published in 1998 showed that home pregnancy test kits when used by experienced technicians are almost as accurate as professional laboratory testing 97 4 When used by consumers however the accuracy fell to 75 the review authors noted that many users misunderstood or failed to follow the instructions included in the kits Improper usage may cause both false negatives and false positives Timing of test False negative readings can occur when testing is done too early Quantitative blood tests and the most sensitive urine tests usually detect hCG shortly after implantation which can occur anywhere from 6 to 12 days after ovulation Less sensitive urine tests and qualitative blood tests may not detect pregnancy until three or four days after implantation Menstruation occurs on average 14 days after ovulation so the likelihood of a false negative is low once a menstrual period is late Ovulation may not occur at a predictable time in the menstrual cycle however A number of factors may cause an unexpectedly early or late ovulation even for women with a history of regular menstrual cycles Using ovulation predictor kits OPKs or charting the fertility signs of cervical mucus or basal body temperature give a more accurate idea of when to test than day counting alone The accuracy of a pregnancy test is most closely related to the day of ovulation not of the act of intercourse or insemination that caused the pregnancy It is normal for sperm to live up to five days in the fallopian tubes waiting for ovulation to occur It could take up to twelve further days for implantation to occur meaning even the most sensitive pregnancy tests may give false negatives up to seventeen days after the act that caused the pregnancy Because some home pregnancy tests have high hCG detection thresholds up to 100 mIU mL it may take an additional three or four days for hCG to rise to levels detectable by these tests meaning false negatives may occur up to three weeks after the act of intercourse or insemination that causes pregnancy False positives False positive test results may occur for several reasons These include errors of test application use of drugs containing the assay molecule and non pregnant production of the assay molecule Spurious evaporation lines may appear on many home pregnancy tests if read after the suggested 35 minute window or reaction time independent of an actual pregnancy False positives may also appear on tests used past their expiration date A woman who has been given an hCG injection as part of infertility treatment will test positive on pregnancy tests that assay hCG regardless of her actual pregnancy status However some infertility drugs e g clomid do not contain the hCG hormone Some diseases of the liver cancers and other medical conditions may produce elevated hCG and thus cause a false positive pregnancy test These include choriocarcinoma and other germ cell tumors IgA deficiencies heterophile antibodies enterocystoplasties gestational trophoblastic diseases GTD and gestational trophoblastic neoplasms GTN Viability Pregnancy tests may be used to determine the viability of a pregnancy Serial quantitative blood tests may be done usually 23 days apart Below an hCG level of 1 200 mIU ml the hCG usually doubles every 4872 hours though a rise of 5060 is still considered normal Between 1 200 and 6 000 mIU ml serum the hCG usually takes 7296 hours to double and above 6 000 mIU ml the hCG often takes more than four days to double Failure to increase normally may indicate an increased risk of miscarriage or a possible ectopic pregnancy Ultrasound is also a common tool for determining viability A lower than expected heart rate or missed development milestones may indicate a problem with the pregnancy Diagnosis should not be made from a single ultrasound however Inaccurate estimations of fetal age and inaccuracies inherent in ultrasonic examination may cause a scan to be interpreted negatively If results from the first ultrasound scan indicate a problem repeating the scan 710 days later is reasonable practice References a b c Wilcox AJ Baird DD Weinberg CR 1999 Time of implantation of the conceptus and loss of pregnancy New England Journal of Medicine 340 23 17961799 doi 10 1056 NEJM199906103402304 PMID 10362823 160 Clark Stephanie Brown 2005 Jan Steen The Doctor s Visit Literature Arts and Medicine Database Retrieved 27 May 2007 Lubsen Brandsma M A 1997 Jan Steen s fire pot pregnancy test or gynecological therapeutic method in the 17th century Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 141 51 25137 Retrieved 24 May 2006 The Doctor s Visit n d The Web Gallery of Art Retrieved 24 May 2006 Speert Harold 1973 Iconographia Gyniatrica Philadelphia F A Davis ISBN 978 0803680708 160 Damewood Marian D John A Rock August 2005 In memoriam Georgeanna Seegar Jones M D her legacy lives on PDF Fertility and Sterility American Society for Reproductive Medicine 84 2 5412 doi 10 1016 j fertnstert 2005 04 019 http www jonesinstitutefoundation org downloads GeorgeannaJones pdf Retrieved 2007 12 31 160 Yalow RS SA Berson July 1960 Immunoassay of endogenous plasma insulin in man Journal of Clinical Investigation 69 115775 doi 10 1172 JCI104130 PMID 13846364 160 Fan XG Zheng ZQ 1997 A study of early pregnancy factor activity in preimplantation Am J Reprod Immunol 37 5 35964 PMID 9196793 160 Waddell Rebecca Smith 2006 FertilityPlus org Home Pregnancy Test hCG Levels and FAQ http www fertilityplus org faq hpt html Retrieved 2006 06 17 160 a b Woo Joseph 2006 Why and when is Ultrasound used in Pregnancy Obstetric Ultrasound A Comprehensive Guide http www ob ultrasound net Retrieved 2007 05 27 160 a b Boschert Sherry 15 June 2001 Anxious Patients Often Want Very Early Ultrasound Exam OB GYN News FindArticles com http findarticles com p articles mi_m0CYD is_12_36 ai_76636730 Retrieved 2007 05 27 160 Bastian LA Nanda K Hasselblad V Simel DL 1998 Diagnostic efficiency of home pregnancy test kits A meta analysis Arch Fam Med 7 5 4659 doi 10 1001 archfami 7 5 465 PMID 9755740 http archfami ama assn org cgi pmidlookup view long amp pmid 9755740 Retrieved 2008 05 12 160 Weschler Toni 2002 Taking Charge of Your Fertility Revised ed New York HarperCollins pp 160 374 ISBN 0 06 093764 5 160 Ellington Joanna 2004 Sperm Transport to the Fallopian Tubes Frequently Asked Questions with Dr E INGfertility Inc http www ingfertility com FAQs html Sperm_Leaking_Out_After_Intercourse _Lessons_in_Sperm_Transport_Through_the_Cervix_ Retrieved 2006 08 13 160 Phillips Pat 2007 Early Pregnancy Tests Pregnancy Test FAQ http www early pregnancy tests com pregnancy tests html Retrieved 2007 03 04 160 External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to Pregnancy test A descriptive animation of the principle behind a lateral flow sandwich ELISA home pregnancy test v 160 160 d 160 160 e Pregnancy and Childbirth Planning Birth control 160 Pre conception counseling Conception Fertility awareness 160 Assisted reproductive technology IVF AI Fertility medication Testing Home testing 160 Obstetric ultrasonography 160 Prenatal diagnosis 160 3D ultrasound Prenatal Anatomy Endometrium 160 Placenta 160 Amniotic fluid 160 Amniotic sac Development Gestational age 160 Fundal height 160 Human embryogenesis Care Nutrition Procedures Amniocentesis 160 Chorionic villus sampling Childbirth Preparation Lamaze 160 Bradley method 160 Nesting instinct Roles Midwife 160 Doula 160 Obstetrician 160 Men s roles Delivery Pelvimetry Bishop score Cervical effacement 160 Cervical dilation 160 Position Unassisted childbirth 160 Home birth 160 Water birth 160 Natural childbirth Rupture of membranes 160 Contraction 160 Childbirth positions 160 Presentation Cephalic presentation Breech presentation Shoulder presentation Postpartum Childcare 160 Congenital disorders G P Gravida para abortus 160 TPAL Related navboxes Reproductive physiology 160 Embryology 160 Assisted reproductive technology obstetric navs pregnancy conditions of mother fetus maternal transmission eponymous signs proc Categories Obstetrics Medical tests Pregnancy tests')

Plans For Getting Pregnant After Birth Control

Plans For Getting Pregnant After Birth Control

Article by Plans For Getting Pregnant After Birth ControlChristophr Gagnon

Preparation is essential for acquiring pregnant following start manage prior to trying any method. It may not be obvious, but a woman's reproductive program might have undergone some major changes upon utilizing birth manage techniques; thus, making it tough to instantly conceive. Preparation is key if you would like to acquire pregnant soon after start handle and it does need time.

Here are achievable effects and waiting time should you plan on acquiring pregnant after delivery control:

* After taking the pill

It's advisable to attempt to get expecting soon after no less than three weeks of stopping the pill. In some cases, it takes a year or so for a woman to have expecting after using the pill simply since her body needs much far more time to recover and her reproductive program to neutralize.

Your health practitioner might advice you to continue using your last cycle of pills before fully stop using them. You also have to wait at least 2 menstrual cycles prior to obtaining expecting following start control in order for the body and hormones to reach their normal rhythm once again.

* Barrier-type contraceptives

Barrier-type contraceptives such as the intra-uterine device and condom do not have a direct impact on the hormones or the procedure in the reproductive method. By simply removing them you can safely get knocked up with out waiting for your physique to neutralize or turn into normal.

* After Depo Provera photographs

In the event you had Depo Povera photographs, each shot usually take effect around 3 months. Pregnancy is close to impossible even soon after the 3-month duration and it may well take longer if you had normal continuous pictures. Some women wait up to 18 months just before they get with child due to the fact of the potency and also the number of weeks they received Depo Povera shots.

* Removal of implants

The effects of implants, this kind of as Norplant, for the duration of and soon after it has been eliminated depends on a woman's system and response of your reproductive program. Getting pregnant after Norplant might take months or years particularly when you have your implants for a long period of time. Some ladies may get with child only soon after 6 months soon after the implants have been eliminated, while some would need to wait longer and others might turn into with child earlier.

Some practical guidelines to increase your chance of getting knocked up soon after birth management:

A single particular of factors that will boost a woman's odds of acquiring pregnant after utilizing a sure variety of contraceptive is timing. Normal pregnancy strategies typically need the appropriate timing to be able to ensure that the male's sperm will meet the female's egg. 1 these kinds of technique is by using the fertile period of your lady when timing sexual intercourse. Having withdrawn from contraceptives, you'll be able to prepare and time your intercourse for the duration of your fertile days to increase your possibilities.

Another factor that may help you enhance your probabilities of finding knocked up is through proper nutrition. By avoiding specific foods and eating the ones that promote pregnancy can surely help your system prepare for the most awaited event. During your withdrawal from start handle, it's advisable to also avoid caffeinated and alcoholic drinks, and consuming more foods that might aid improve your chances on acquiring expecting very easily and quick.

Eat more foods that are high in folic acid (a B vitamin also referred to as folate and B9) these kinds of as fruits, entire grains, leafy green veggies, fortified cereals, breads, pasta and rice.

You may well well well also take prenatal nutritional vitamins, calcium, Vitamins B12, C and D, Iron and Zinc. Consult with your health practitioner regarding these supplements and other organic approaches of improving your probabilities to acquire with child.

By having these suggestions in mind, it is feasible to enhance your probabilities of acquiring expecting after delivery management. Remember that patience and time are vital components, and rushing things do not prove any positive results. So prepare your pregnancy ahead, stop using or using any contraceptive correctly, and talk to your doctor about it to be on the safe side.

How you can Get Pregnant Rapidly And Increase Your Chance Of Becoming Pregnant Quick!

How you can Get Pregnant Rapidly And Increase Your Chance Of Becoming Pregnant Quick!

Article by How you can Get Pregnant Rapidly And Increase Your Chance Of Becoming Pregnant Quick!Christophr Gagnon

How To get pregnant: The secret behind knowing how to get pregnant rapidly should be an effectively planned choice. You need to contemplate factors like your wellness, your loved ones members conditions, financial placement, and time. So if you might be decided to conceive, then here are some suggestions on how to conceive rapid.

Occasionally it is really simple to conceive whilst sometimes its not. You can find several components which establish your pregnancy. 1st of all, require care of your wellness. Eat healthy and stay wholesome. Sustain an examine in your own own diet. Incorporate all nutritious foods and take out all of the junk and rapidly food items. Keep a check in your own own weight as properly. The a lot a lot much more your fat the lesser are the probabilities of you acquiring pregnant. So preserve your pounds. Becoming underweight also can hinder your approach to being expecting. Start taking foods which include the essential vitamins and minerals. These play an crucial role in creating your hormones work. Make your companion also acquire food which increase the sperm count and motility. It is possible to also require health-related supplements which aid in growing the sexual hormones as required and as per prescription of a health care provider.

In case you believe escalating the occasions of sexual activity can bring about quick pregnancy, it isn't true. Possessing sexual activity at the proper time is the best technique to get expecting quickly. The ideal time is dependant on your own monthly ovulation cycle. Not all ladies have the right 28 day cycle. It may be considerably less or far more. If the cycle is too much irregular, you might possibly require health-related help to create it normal very first. A physician will probably be able to advise you on the days perfect for sexual intercourse to get knocked up depending in your own own cycle. Ovulation kits also are offered in the marketplace which indicates the best time to have sexual activity to get expecting. Choosing the correct place for intercourse also is one of the methods to conceive quickly. The man on top or the missionary location may be the greatest position to get expecting speedily.

You should remove your behavior like as well a lot intake of caffeine, smoking, and drinking. These will bring about infertility difficulties. As you eliminate these behavior your chances of finding knocked up increases. Even should you do not smoke, but your partner does, it might impact your fertility. So make your accomplice also quit these habits. Studies show that smoking lowers your probabilities of acquiring pregnant by 40%. It not only minimizes your probabilities of getting with child, but harms a conceived baby as well.

How to get knocked up quick: Getting patience and lowering anxiety levels is essential to get with child swiftly. Stress and anxiety lowers your possibilities of obtaining with child rapidly. So usually remain calm and attempting to do yoga and meditation to preserve you relaxed.

Should pregnant women wear high heels?

Should pregnant women wear high heels?

Article by dankieen

You still want to look good during pregnancy, even though your body is changing. High heels are sometimes not recommended during pregnancy because being pregnant can disrupt your sense of balance, but you may not feel as attractive in flat shoes. High heels can also aggravate common discomforts of pregnancy, such as aching feet and back pain. However, you do not have to give up high heels entirely while pregnant. A bit of common sense and caution will allow you to continue walking tall throughout your pregnancy.

Choose high heels with a moderate heel height. The American Podiatric Medical Association defines high heels as two inches or more. You may be able to wear heels a bit taller than that, but one inch, but avoid those five-inch stilettos. Choose shoes with heels that have a wider base. These are more stable, making you less prone to falling or twisting your ankle. Avoid platform shoes, which present a greater risk for poor balance and foot and ankle injuries. Wear your high heels only for a limited time, such as for evenings out or while meeting clients at work. Change back into flat shoes after a few hours instead of wearing heels all day.

As the saying goes, the tree becomes old from the root, people turn old from the foot. According to the modern medical science, the exercise of feet can drive the whole body of skeletal muscle to act. Consequently, it helps heart to accelerate blood circulation. This is the reason why people call foot as the second heart. The health of foot always can not leave away from shoes. To pregnant women, it is more important to the shoes. On the whole, when a woman is pregnant, her figure changes. Her stomach is continuing to enlargement, and weight is in constant increase. At the same time, her body's centre of gravity moves forward.

In everyday life, pregnant women need to change the body posture to keep balance when they stand or walk. In this particular period, if pregnant women wear high heels, it is neither suitable for identity, nor against eugenic birth. On the other hand, the key of wearing high heels is safety. According to the survey that experts find in study, most of pregnant women's toes begin to edema when they are pregnant for three months. Until to six months, the whole feet will be swollen like tarsoptosis. During late pregnancy, edema of feet and legs are more serious, even it will be difficult to balance when walking.

I have to tell women the harm of high heels when you are pregnant. Pregnant women wear high heels, which is easy to make uterine fall. Then pelvis always tilt, whch go against delivery in future. In order to keep the body in balance when you are walking, your lumbar spine forward and thoracic vertebra back forward, which go against health. Therefore, it is better to wear sneakers or soft-sole shoes for pregnant women. This kind of shoes are elastic and comfortable, which can help reduce the body burden and prevent fall down.

Getting Pregnant Just After Stopping Birth Control

Getting Pregnant Just After Stopping Birth Control

Article by jake larrish

Efficient techniques of birth control may possibly be the very best thing to happen to women in background aside from acquiring the rights to vote and becoming elected to public office. Birth management provided girls with the energy of choice when it comes to having a child. Although first reactions to birth manage integrated worries about not becoming ready to get pregnant later on, studies display that contraceptives don't effect fertility negatively. Depending on the contraception method utilized, girls can conceive anywhere from each day to year right after stopping birth management.

Barrier techniques

Utilizing barrier techniques like condoms, sponges, diaphragms, and cervical caps, amongst other people does not affect a woman's capability to conceive. These strategies only prevent sperm cells from reaching the egg and fertilizing it. Barrier methods do not alter or impact a woman's hormonal cycle and ovulation procedure. Provided that a lady has a normal ovulation and fertility cycle and that she relies solely on barrier strategies for birth manage, there is no cause she could not get pregnant following possessing sexual intercourse with out utilizing barrier techniques. If a woman cannot get pregnant following stopping the use of barrier methods, she and her companion must submit on their own to a proper health-related checkup to evaluate their sexual and reproductive well being.

Spermicide gels and lotions

Using spermicides in cream and gel types doesn't affect a woman's capability to conceive. Usually employed having a barrier method or applied straight to the genitalia like a form of lubricant, these gels and lotions prevent sperm cells from fertilizing the egg by killing them with the moment of ejaculation. Comparable to stopping the use of barrier methods, there is no lag time when it comes to becoming ready to obtain pregnant.

Birth management capsules

Utilizing tablets or BCP as being a form of birth manage is a well-known selection amongst girls for its convenience and reliability. Even so, stopping BCP to get pregnant can be just a little challenging if done incorrectly. It really is normally advised that women really should end their current pill pack prior to stopping as opposed to discontinuing the intake abruptly. Because it normally takes months to get pill-contained hormones out the body's method and to get a woman's cycle to normalize with out them, it generally normally requires an typical of 8 months to a year right after stopping pill intake for any woman to get pregnant.

Birth control pictures

Acquiring pregnant after stopping an injectable form of birth control like Depo-Provera may possibly get extended when compared to barrier methods and birth management pills. Because the impact of a shot lasts for three months, a woman hasn't seriously stopped the birth management till right after the 3rd month of her final shot. Even then, acquiring pregnant could be hard and may well take anyplace from 10 to 18 months right after taking the last shot.

Most types of birth manage, particularly those listed previously mentioned, are designed to be momentary and reversible. As such, there is no danger of infertility in making use of the mentioned birth handle methods. Nonetheless, disability to conceive more than time after stopping these birth handle methods need to be introduced to medical awareness.

Trying to Get Pregnant - Not constantly as straightforward as in the beginning thought

Trying to Get Pregnant - Not constantly as straightforward as in the beginning thought

Article by Trying to Get Pregnant - Not constantly as straightforward as in the beginning thoughtDave Strauss

Ever been annoyed together with your pregnancy that does not uncover a strategy to occur? Using a newborn isn't as straightforward as all of us believe. There are a few women who wait for 6 several weeks trying to get pregnant, and a few who desperately strive, but generally get discouraged.

Of program you'll find those women who unintentionally get pregnant all the time. The equal harmony of everything will give good final result to a girl who wants to conceive. The suitable beginning could be a female with a good outlook in using an infant.

Pretty much all ladies get pregnant within just their very first to 1 and also a 50 % months of seeking. Most couples will not have to have a practitioner's intervention inside the conception course of action during this period, unless the several includes a background of severe fertility troubles.

Considering that a typical conception approach lasts for a year along with a 50 % will aid the keen couple a lot. Not merely that, this can also assist them calm down and chill out introduced about by the detrimental consequence inside six weeks trying to get pregnant. Nonetheless, they'd seriously be ecstatic with the believed of conceiving a newborn the moment they decide to attempt.

Obtaining pregnant normally starts with a fantastic attitude as well as a very good understanding of one's system, particularly your fertility cycle. The physique supplies us plenty of signs and clues each month to support you in tracking the standing of the fertility. All you might have to accomplish is usually to study and know what to view out for.

When you believe that you just are getting difficulties obtaining pregnant, it is possible to usually check out your medical doctor soon after a calendar year of actively looking to conceive. If you may need any assist, maybe you will get guidelines and solutions from books that offer information about the right life style you really should have when you wish to get pregnant. Hunting in the net is a fantastic thought given that you can find lots of people online who are sharing their aspect in the story.

Chatting with them and sharing your thoughts with other couples will enable you to help each other particularly in case you are going as a result of precisely the same issue. It'll not merely offer you a feeling of belongingness and an immediate counselling, you may also select up some beneficial details that suits your scenario. It can be your solution on what to strategies to decide on, but keep in head that you really should ask your doctor just before exploring a brand new method.

Over all, constantly needless to say the knowledge of receiving pregnant must be considered a happy and thrilling a single, the method must not be your supply of frustration and disappointment, this can be where your endurance comes in useful, if conception can come sooner than expected, it's very good information! In situation you take half-dozen many weeks trying to get pregnant, then you definitely nonetheless have several probabilities of conceiving. Obtaining to procrastinate around for half-dozen weeks trying to get pregnant might be fairly irritating, but possessing hope and believing in miracle makes that variation, so very good luck!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Easy to deal with an embarrassing six pregnancy symptoms - pregnancy, pregnancy symptoms - Medical D

Easy to deal with an embarrassing six pregnancy symptoms - pregnancy, pregnancy symptoms - Medical D

Article by hi joiney

Many women may think they already had prepared well for the pregnancy, but in reality no one to tell your pregnant "side effects"?? Some strange and embarrassing symptoms. To give you a comprehensive understanding of pregnancy, we consulted experts and elected the six most embarrassing pregnancy symptoms and solutions that you can easily face. 1. Body exhaust gases If you constantly think back to the room, or leave Office No room to find a place, you probably already know the embarrassment of farting. When it comes to embarrassing pregnancy symptoms, then, first of all I must mention is that too much gas the body, especially the first three months of pregnancy. The solution is to pay attention to diet. Eat less Beans Or broccoli, as well as Carbonated beverages . Eat small meals often take as much as possible. 2. Vomiting Many pregnant women are aware of early pregnancy morning sickness symptoms of vomiting, but did not know this feeling will come much faster, sometimes it may make you very embarrassing. Every pregnant woman will experience nausea, you can do is upgrade to the restraint of nausea and vomiting to the people who will be the case. Medical advice is to change the time you pre-pregnancy vitamins. You can eat in the evening with food, particularly helpful for morning sickness. You can also mouth with some of lemon or ginger, for the prevention of vomiting is also a certain role. 3. Incontinence This is not a joke, pregnancy and incontinence does have a great connection. This is because the bladder will increase along with the uterus caused by oppression, so sometimes can not be controlled with a little liquid. Although not drink some water will help, but that means evening drink plenty of water and run to the toilet more. The best solution is for Kegel exercises?? A way to enhance the control of the link. Also try to prevent the urine with health mat "sneak attack." 4. Private part of the Embarrassment Pregnant women will definitely find it embarrassing for the private part. During pregnancy elevated hormone levels and body baby pregnancy weight gain can cause genital odor, itching or swelling. Doctors recommend pregnant women wear clean Underpants And must be frequently changed. The swelling is due to body fluid and blood levels rise, causing swelling of the situation, this is normal. But if you still feel anything unusual, then, must find a doctor. 5. Forgetful Forgetful phenomenon may make many pregnant women feel a headache, which typically occur in the first four months. Because pregnant women are trying to deal with all the symptoms of pregnancy, but also concerned about your baby and the future, even the baby's room should be how to dress, etc., so it is easy to get distracted. The solution is, if all of a sudden can not handle everything, then, will be used to note down the mind, while from time to time will also help reduce stress. 6. Changing mood Many people know that pregnant women must not be annoyed. It is true that hormonal changes during pregnancy, pregnant women do make a very volatile mood. Apart from rising hormone levels of pregnant women will get angry, there are maternal depression and so make even the smallest things that bear watching. If there is such a problem, pregnant women must vent their emotions, if it can not vent, should seek medical help, because if not resolved in time, they may cause other more serious problems.

We Should Pay More Attention to Pregnant Woman Health

We Should Pay More Attention to Pregnant Woman Health

Article by Serena

We Should Pay More Attention to Pregnant Woman Health.

We should pay more attention to the state of the work and life and clothing choice.The key period of fetal growth, especially from the three to 10 weeks after conception , is the period of fetal growth and each organ system differentiation. If baby was hurt in this period , it has impact to fetal growth . So you must go to the hospital to determine whether pregnantonce as soon as you discover expired menstruation . Then it is determined yes, after pregnancy, you should make some necessary adjustments in lifestyle after consulting .1. The state of the work and life First of all, you should have to adjust working and life environment and pay more attention to whether there is undesirable effect existing in the environment. Such as high temperature, high noise, strong magnetic field, radiation and chemical preparation, heavy metal, volatilization gas and dust. High temperature environments are mainly steelmaking and foundry industry, the other common the environment above 40 ? temperature should be avoided. Such as hot tub, sauna, bubble hot spring, electric heating blanket, electric heaters, sun heatstroke, even infection causes of high fever. There is evidence to prove that one of the reasons for the fetal spinal deformity is high temperature . Which makes high abortion rate and increase bad influence of fetal brain development .2. Clothing choiceIn the early stages of pregnancy ,clothing should be paid more attention and need not to be too hypertrophy. Some pregnant women in early pregnancy will appear morning pregnancy reactions :giddy, weakness, inappetence, liking to eat sour things and disgusting greasy, nausea, vomiting and so on . Even all night she suffers from insomnia and feels exhausted . So that they begin to feel depression and annoyance. Start to worry overly about pregnancy failure, abortion, worry the health of the intra-abdominal fetus, even produce puzzling depressive and anxiety, showing that the foetus excessively cares, very sensitive, moody, loving cry. So they don't pay much attention to their own images daily. Actually it does harm to the growth of fetus . During pregnancy mothers should be peace of mind, stable mood , gentle and regular. Or it can cause the unstable emotion of the fetus ,excessive activity and a heartbeat to accelerate while in pregnant,. Pregnant women mood has an extremely close relationship with fetal development .so it is very important for to choose Pregnant women the Design and Selection of Maternity Dress.